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If you've registered a team, please check-in & sign the event waiver at "Team Check-In" above.

2024 ASFT Title Banner_Sponsors 091124.jpg

It is your teams responsibility to contact a guide to participate in the event. Not all guides are created equal. If you are someone who truly wants to win, you MUST let your guide know you expect them to help you hunt for where the fish are. You are in charge of your team's chances to win....Let the guide know when you are vetting them as a potential fit for your team. 

It is NOT ASPIN's responsibility to ensure you have selected the right guide for your team. This is a partial list of guides in the area. They are booking quickly for the Fall. So, contact them ASAP!

Guide List as of 7-24-23.jpg

Open the page on your phone by scanning the QR Code with the camera. 


Security Technician Event

ASPIN is excited to announce!
We will host a Spring 2025 Fishing Tournament. 

Security Front-Line Technicians Only!

Consider making a pledge to support this amazing event!

Past Events

Mailing Address: 

409 Canterberry Drive

New Braunfels TX 78132

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

– Romans 12:10

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